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Management Board  

Miguel A. De la Rosa, Spain (FEBS Secretary General) 
Piotr Laidler, Poland (FEBS Congress Counsellor) 
Frank Michelangeli, UK (FEBS Treasurer) 
Ferhan Sağın, Türkiye (Congress Chair) 
Doğan Yücel, Türkiye (TBS President) 
Mehmet Şeneş, Türkiye (TBS Treasurer) 

Organizing Committee  

Ferhan Sağın, Türkiye (Organizing Committee Chair) 
Doğan Yücel, Türkiye (TBS President) 
Gül Akdoğan Güner, Türkiye 
Ali Ünlü, Türkiye 
Arzu Aral, Türkiye 
Muhittin Serdar, Türkiye 
Murat Cihan, Türkiye 
Irene Diaz Moreno, Spain (FEBS Career Skills of Young Scientists Committee Chair) 
Piotr Laidler, Poland (FEBS Congress Counsellor) 

Program Committee  

Piotr Laidler, Jagiellonski University, Poland (FEBS Congress Counsellor) (Committee Chair) 
Ferhan Sağın, Ege University, Türkiye (Congress Chair) 
Johannes Buchner, University of Regensburg, Germany (FEBS Publications Committee Chair) 
Seamus Martin, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (Editor-in-Chief of The FEBS Journal) 
Michael Brunner, Hedielberg University, Germany (Editor-in-Chief of FEBS Letters) 
Kevin Ryan, University of Glasgow, UK (Editor-in-Chief of Molecular Oncology) 
Miguel A. De la Rosa, University of Sevilla, Spain (Editor-in-Chief of FEBS Open Bio) 
Jerka Dumić, University of Zagreb, Croatia (FEBS Scientific Advisory Committee Chair) 
Güneş Özhan, Izmir Institute of Technology, Türkiye  
Nesrin Özören, Boğaziçi University, Türkiye  
Devrim Gözüaçık, Koç University, Türkiye 
Rana Sanyal, Boğaziçi University, Türkiye 

FEBS has twin commitments to high-quality publications and the promotion of molecular biosciences. As a charitable academic organization,
FEBS uses income from the journals to fund its diverse activities, including support for the FEBS Congress.