TBS Bursaries
TBS registration bursaries are provided by TBS to help early-career researchers from Türkiye to participate in the FEBS 2025 Congress when submitting an abstract to the event. These will cover the early registration fee for such scientists.
TBS bursary applications deadline: 13 March 2025
Eligibility criteria
2025 FEBS Congress - TBS bursary applicants must:
- Be a registered PhD student (or specialty training student) or be within 5 years of having received a PhD or specialty degree
- Be a member of TBS
- Submitting an abstract to be presented (oral or poster) at FEBS2025
- Should not be receiving any other grant (such as TUBİTAK, university or sponsor company) to attend the congress
How to apply
Applications for TBS bursaries for the 49th FEBS Congress must be made through the Congress registration system before the bursary deadline of 13 March 2025.
To ensure your application is pulled into the data that goes forward to the selection, please make sure you follow all steps below correctly.
- Select the Turkish Young Scientist participant type. (This is the only registration type that can be selected for consideration for 2025 TBS bursaries. Please note that this indicates up to 35 years of age (at time of registration payment), except if studies were started later, or were delayed by maternity leave (18 months per child), prolonged illness or other personal reasons; a scanned copy of ID showing date of birth (and any additional supporting docs for over 35s with special circumstances) is to be provided during registration.)
- Click yes to the question in the first section of the registration form about applying for a Congress bursary.
- Upload the following documents as a single pdf file, presented in the following order:
o Proof of Status: PhD student (or specialty training student) or be within 5 years of having received a PhD or specialty degree
o Proof of current TBS membership (scanned copy of current membership certificate/letter, dated within the past year, from TBS)
o Curriculum Vitae - Complete your registration order including payment of the registration fee by 13 March 2025
Assessment and notification
Abstracts submitted by TBS bursary applicants will be considered for scientific quality during the event’s abstract screening and appraisal; in addition, CVs of eligible bursary applicants will be considered.
The outcomes of TBS bursary applications are expected to be notified via e-mail in mid April 2025.
The TBS bursary reimbursement
Delegates awarded TBS bursaries will be reimbursed after the Congress by bank transfer from TBS.