Special Sessions
FEBS Excellence Awardees Session
Sunday July 6; 16:00 - 18:00, Anadolu Auditorium
FEBS & EFLM Joint Session - From bench to the bedside and back: Bridging biochemistry and clinical laboratory medicine
Sunday July 6; 16:00 - 18:00, Hall 2
EU Research Infrastructures Session
Monday July 7; 16:00 - 18:00, Hall 2
Research Infrastructures are publicly funded organizations that enable researchers to access specialized technologies, resources, and expertise beyond their own institutions, independent of prior collaborations or location. In this session, four research infrastructures—EU-OPENSCREEN (chemical biology), Instruct-ERIC (structural biology), Euro-BioImaging (biological and biomedical imaging), and INFRAFRONTIER (human disease modeling)—will demonstrate how scientists can collaborate with them to advance research. Each infrastructure presentation will be paired with a talk from a researcher who has worked with it, showcasing firsthand experiences and the impact of these resources on their projects.
FEBS Education Session
Tuesday July 8; 16:00 - 18:00, Hall 1
This dynamic and interactive workshop explores how the challenges of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into education can be transformed into opportunities for innovation and improvement. Bringing together a diverse group of experts—including practitioners, researchers, and policy advisors—the session fosters a collaborative environment where participants can share their experiences, discuss difficulties, and highlight best practices. The 2-hour session will begin with an introduction, and then will engage participants in sharing best practice and and addressing key questions about AI in education. These structured discussions will allow participants to engage deeply with practical and strategic aspects of AI implementation. An expert panel discussion, where experts will share insights and respond to participants' perspectives, ensures a well-rounded exploration of the topic. Join us to contribute your voice and gain valuable ideas to navigate the evolving role of AI in education!
FEBS Press Session
Wednesday July 9; 09:00 - 11:00, Hall 1
During the FEBS Press interactive session, an introduction to the FEBS Press portfolio will be given by the Editors in Chief, followed by informal discussions with FEBS Press Editors on a variety of aspects of publishing in four break out groups. The specific topics will be selected through a poll addressed to the attendees shortly before the congress. This session will be followed by a stimulating workshop led by scientist and graphical designer Matteo Oliverio on how to create a compelling graphical abstract for your research article.
FEBS & ORPHEUS Joint Session
Wednesday July 9; 13:30 - 15:30, Hall 1