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We love İstanbul. You will too.

For centuries – no, millennia – people loved to live in Istanbul, or wanted to live in Istanbul or be near Istanbul. It has been the main focus of attention for many civilizations, religions and cultures throughout time. And with the last transfer of power in the city a new era in the world’s history began.

Istanbul is enjoyed by any and all kinds of travellers. The vast historic, cultural and culinary heritage of the city will offer you an unforgettable experience and will make you want to plan another visit to see more.

Istanbul is a transcontinental city straddling two continents by its inland sea Marmara. The city is divided into four regions and has a natural harbour, the Golden Horn. One of the world’s busiest waterways, the Bosphorus, is situated in northwestern Türkiye between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. Connecting the two seas, the Bosphorus also separates Istanbul into two sides known as the European side and the Asian side.

Istanbul is the largest city of Türkiye with a population approaching 20 million, and as one of the largest urban agglomerations in Europe, it is one of the world’s largest cities by population. Istanbul has 39 districts administered by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. The city boundaries cover a surface area of 1830 square kilometers (707 mi²) and Istanbul Province covers 6220 square kilometers (2402 mi²).

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