G protein-coupled peptide receptors: structure, function and innovative therapeutic concepts
Annette Beck-Sickinger
17:00h - 18:00h
Plenary Lectures
Anadolu Auditorium
18:30 – 19:30h
TBS Plenary Lecture
Regulation of mitochondrial structure and function during metabolic cycles and stress
Gökhan Hotamışlıgil
18:30h - 19:30h
Molecular mechanisms of DNA repair in bacteria
Marcin Nowotny (Poland)
09:00h - 09:25h
Decoding molecular plasticity in the dark proteome
Edward A. Lemke (Germany)
09:00h - 09:25h
Master of cell division: Structure and assembly of the kinetochore
Andrea Musacchio (Germany)
09:00h - 09:25h
Hall 1
09:00 – 11:00h
FEBS & Cell Death Research Society Joint Session – Cell stress, cell senescence, and cell death decisions
Senescence and targeted senolysis
Vassilis Gorgoulis (Greece)
09:00h - 09:25h
Hall 1
09:00 – 11:00h
FEBS & Cell Death Research Society Joint Session – Cell stress, cell senescence, and cell death decisions
Dying by ferroptosis: cellular and intercellular aspects
Peter Vandenabelle (Belgium)
09:00h - 09:25h
Hall 1
09:00 – 11:00h
FEBS & Cell Death Research Society Joint Session – Cell stress, cell senescence, and cell death decisions
Enhancing immune-mediated killing of senescent cells
Jesus Gil (UK)
09:00h - 09:25h
Hall 2
09:00 – 11:00h
Cancer biochemistry
Metabolic rewiring driving metastasis formation
Sarah-Maria Fendt (Belgium)
09:00h - 09:25h
Hall 2
09:00 – 11:00h
Cancer biochemistry
A KEAP1-dependent trade-off between migration and ferroptosis limits melanoma hematogenous dissemination
Sirio Dupont (Italy)
09:00h - 09:25h
Hall 2
09:00 – 11:00h
Cancer biochemistry
Fueling the battle: Metabolic insights into cancer progression and therapeutic strategies
Jean-Ehrland Ricci (France)
09:00h - 09:25h
Epigenetic regulation by histone acetylation in health and disease
Asifa Akhtar
11:30h - 12:30h
Plenary Lectures
Anadolu Auditorium
14:30 – 15:30h
EMBO Lecture
Phase separation in cell physiology and disease
Anthony A. Hyman
14:30h - 15:30h
Antibiotic efficacy - Why context matters?
Pierre Santucci (France)
16:00h - 16:30h
Dynamic RNA structural biology at the single-molecule level: Watching how interconnected processes work in real-time
Olivier Duss (Germany)
16:00h - 16:30h
Normal breast physiology as gatekeeper of cancer initiation and growth
Colinda Scheele (Belgium)
16:00h - 16:30h
The molecular architecture of a 2MDa Plastid-Encoded RNA polymerase in a unicellular photosynthetic eukaryote
Silvia Ramundo (Austria)
16:00h - 16:30h
Deciphering the epigenetic code in autophagy and cancer
Sung Hee Baek (Korea)
16:00h - 16:25h
Epigenetic regulation of cancer therapy response
Tuğba Bağcı Önder (Türkiye)
16:00h - 16:25h
Research vs. clinical laboratory methods: Understanding the key differences
Tomas Zima (Czech Republic)
16:00h - 16:30h
Beyond Counting: The Art and Science of Sample Size Determination in Life Sciences
Ceyhan Ceran Serdar (Türkiye)
16:00h - 16:30h
Metabolomics: A challenging journey from basic science to daily practice—reality or fairy tale?
Elie Fux (Germany)
16:00h - 16:30h
NGS: Transforming public health from basic science to practical applications in oncology, cardiology, and predictive medicine
Maurizio Ferrari (Italy)
16:00h - 16:30h
Multi-protein assemblies orchestrate co-translational protein processing and folding on the human ribosome
Irmgard Sinning (Germany)
09:00h - 09:25h
The hidden language of proteins: Allosteric pathways with Gaussian network model
Türkan Haliloğlu (Türkiye)
09:00h - 09:25h
Deciphering the dynamics of diverging co-translational assembly pathways
Ayala Shiber (Israel)
09:00h - 09:25h
Understanding the regulation of ribosome assembly
Gabriel Demo (Czech Republic)
09:00h - 09:15h
Adaptation of cancer cells to hypoxia and acidosis in tumor microenvironment
Silvia Pastoreková (Slovekia)
09:00h - 09:25h
Liquid Biopsy: From Discovery to Clinical Implementation
Klaus Pantel (Germany)
09:00h - 09:25h
Cancer causing pathogens, cell plasticity and upper GI cancers
Xin Lu (UK)
09:00h - 09:25h
Acylcarnitines in health and disease
Maija Dambrova (Latvia)
09:00h - 09:25h
Cystic Fibrosis: A paradigmatic disease in bringing science to the bedside
Margarida D. Amaral (Portugal)
09:00h - 09:25h
SUMOylation in health and disease and its potential for targeted therapies
Umut Şahin (Türkiye)
09:00h - 09:25h
Regulative components of the ECM guide skin regeneration via distinct molecular pathways
Viljar Jaks (Estonia)
09:00h - 09:15h
Plenary Lectures
Anadolu Auditorium
11:30 – 12:30h
FEBS Datta Lecture
Mechanisms of food allergy and the role of allergen-specific B cells
Mübeccel Akdiş
11:30h - 12:30h
Lysosomal signaling in metabolic adaptation and tumorigenesis
Andrea Ballabio
14:30h - 15:30h
Dynamics and synchronicity in catalytic mechanisms of homodimeric flavoenzymes
Milagros Medina (Spain)
16:00h - 16:25h
How ARL proteins control lipid-modified proteins delivery to primary Cilia
Shehab Ismail (Belgium)
16:00h - 16:25h
The biology of the centrosome/cilium complex in health and in disease
Elif Nur Fırat Karalar (Türkiye)
16:00h - 16:25h
Structure of EMAP II cytokine reveals high conformational flexibility of dual function NPKKK motif involved both in RNA binding and nuclear export
Olexandr Kornelyuk (Ukraine) - Short Talk
16:00h - 16:15h
Hall 1
16:00 – 18:00h
Sleep well: the regulation of neural stem cell quiescence
Isabel Fariñas (Spain)
16:00h - 16:25h
Hall 1
16:00 – 18:00h
The microglial niche in neurodegeneration - understanding. pathology and targeting for immunotherapy
Robert Harris (Sweden)
16:00h - 16:25h
Hall 1
16:00 – 18:00h
Regulation of neuronal stem cell activity during tissue maintenance and regeneration of the zebrafish olfactory epithelium.
Stefan Fuss (Türkiye)
16:00h - 16:25h
Hall 1
16:00 – 18:00h
Mapping the rules of neurological disorders using single cell and spatial genomics
Ömer Bayraktar (UK) - Short Talk
16:00h - 16:15h
Welcome and introduction
16:00h - 16:10h
Euro-BioImaging – Open access to biological & biomedical imaging technologies and image data services
Daniela Aviles Huerta, Euro-BioImaging
16:10h - 16:20h
DNA Binding Alters Androgen Receptor Variant Dimerization
Nathan Lack, Koç University & University of British Columbia
16:20h - 16:30h
INFRAFRONTIER – Enabling breakthrough biomedical research through state-of-the-art disease modelling resources
16:30h - 16:40h
Pioneering intranasal siRNA-based Nanovaccine
Helena Florindo, University of Lisbon
16:40h - 16:50h
EU-OPENSCREEN – A collaborative initiative to accelerate early drug discovery
Bahne Stechmann, EU-OPENSCREEN
16:50h - 17:00h
Investigating the Mechanism of Action of Newly Discovered Anti-Prion Compounds via Chemoproteomics
Emiliano Biasini, University of Trento
17:00h - 17:10h
Instruct-ERIC – Access to latest Structural Biology technologies and training in Europe
Claudia Alén Amaro, Instruct-ERIC
17:10h - 17:20h
The Mechanism of Lipid-targeting Antibiotics
Markus Weingarth, Utrecht University
17:20h - 17:30h
17:50h - 18:00h
Autophagy and cancer
Devrim Gözüaçık (Türkiye)
09:00h - 09:25h
Lysosome integrity - a matter of life and death
Harald Stenmark (Norway)
09:00h - 09:25h
The role of peptidases in shaping the fate of immune cells in tumor microenvironment
Janko Kos (Slovenia)
09:00h - 09:25h
Rapid but reliable: The evolution of viral diagnostic assays with TR-FRET
Jussi Hepojoki (Finland)
09:00h - 09:25h
Revolutionizing sepsis care: The role of circulating histones as clinical biomarkers
Jose Luis Garcia-Gimenez (Spain)
09:00h - 09:25h
Translational Omics innovations to drive personalized health(care)
Alain van Gool (Netherlands)
09:00h - 09:25h
A toolbox for the engineering of photosynthetic light reactions for environmental sustainability
Roberto Bassi (Italy)
09:00h - 09:25h
Halophiles & the saline world: Are fructans the key to survive?
Ebru Toksoy Öner (Türkiye)
09:00h - 09:25h
You’ll never walk alone: combining enzymatic and physical treatments to improve quality and sustainability in food systems
Stefania Iametti (Italy)
09:00h - 09:25h
Extreme microbial enzymes: Tools for industrial and environmental biotechnological sustainability
Bassem Jaouadi (Tunisia)
09:00h - 09:15h
Plenary Lectures
Anadolu Auditorium
11:30 – 12:30h
FAOBMB Lecture
Understanding antioxidants in health and disease: the special case of ergothioneine
Barry Halliwell
11:30h - 12:30h
Plenary Lectures
Anadolu Auditorium
14:30 – 15:30h
FEBS Education Lecture
Learning how to be a better researcher and educator by doing research and teaching – the Yin Yang perspective
Robert Harris (Sweden)
14:30h - 15:30h
Combining simple biophysical models with deep learning for the improved characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins
Zsuzsanna Dosztanyi (Hungary)
16:00h - 16:25h
Modeling protein complexes using deep learning models
Dina Schneidman (Israel)
16:00h - 16:25h
The AI revolution in computational structural biology and how it impacted the field
Ezgi Karaca (Türkiye)
16:00h - 16:25h
Cell proliferation and chromatin dynamics during organ growth
Cristiano Gutiérrez (Spain)
16:00h - 16:25h
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases: catalysis and antibiotic (hyper) resistance
Ita Gruic-Sovulj (Croatia)
16:00h - 16:25h
Chromosomal R-loops: who R they?
Lóránt Székvölgyi (Hungary)
16:00h - 16:25h
Using a novel piRNA annotation tool (piRAT) to unveil novel piRNA expression patterns
Guillem Ylla
16:00h - 16:15h
From Wnt to wisdom: Tackling alzheimer's disease
Güneş Özhan (Türkiye)
09:00h - 09:25h
Special Sessions
Hall 1
09:00 – 11:00h
FEBS Press Session
FEBS Press interactive session on scientific publishing
FEBS Press Editors
09:00h - 10:00h
Epithelial barrier theory and molecular mechanisms of inflammation and tissue injury in allergic and autoimmune diseases
Cezmi Akdiş (Switzerland)
09:00h - 09:25h
Resolving how vaccine adjuvants promote T cell responses
Ed C. Lavelle (Ireland)
09:00h - 09:25h
Molecular insights into the immune mechanism of bacterial antiviral defense system theories
Giedre Tamulaitiene (Lithuania)
09:00h - 09:25h
Skraban-Deardorff intellectual disability syndrome-associated mutations in WDR26 impair CTLH E3 ubiquitin ligase complex assembly
Arno Alpi (UK)
11:30h - 12:00h
Cholesterol-mediated ERRα activation in breast cancer progression and microenvironment
Matteo Brindisi (Italy)
12:00h - 12:30h
RNA mechanisms associated with C9orf72 mutation
Boris Rogelj (Slovenia)
13:30h - 13:55h
The 3’-end of the tale
A.Elif Erson-Bensan (Türkiye)
13:30h - 13:55h
RNA-binding proteins in health and disease
Nicola K. Gray (UK)
13:30h - 13:55h
Special Sessions
Hall 1
13:30 – 15:30h
FEBS & ORPHEUS Joint Session - PhD training in a changing world: Standards, ethics, and career growth
Unlocking your research potential: How mentorship, leadership and support can shape a bright career path
Cecilia Arraiano (Portugal)
15:00h - 15:30h
Special Sessions
Hall 1
13:30 – 15:30h
FEBS & ORPHEUS Joint Session - PhD training in a changing world: Standards, ethics, and career growth
The future of the doctorate in Europe in light of research assessment reforms and genAI
John Creemers (Belgium)
13:30h - 14:00h
Special Sessions
Hall 1
13:30 – 15:30h
FEBS & ORPHEUS Joint Session - PhD training in a changing world: Standards, ethics, and career growth
ORPHEUS Labelling: A Thrive for Perfection of PhD training
Gül Güner Akdogan (Türkiye)
13:30h - 14:00h
Special Sessions
Hall 1
13:30 – 15:30h
FEBS & ORPHEUS Joint Session - PhD training in a changing world: Standards, ethics, and career growth
Bioethics in PhD Training
Hakan S. Orer (Türkiye)
13:30h - 14:00h
Thinking differently about cancer treatment regimens
Rene Bernards
16:00h - 16:30h
Plenary Lectures
Anadolu Auditorium
16:30 – 17:00h
FEBS Open Bio Lecture
Corruption of host immune defenses by bacterial proteases in chronic inflammatory diseases
Jan Potempa
16:30h - 17:00h
Boosting protein quality control in neurodegenerative diseases: From the bench to the clinic
Anne Bertolotti
17:00h - 18:00h
EU Research Infrastructures Session
Research Infrastructures are publicly funded organizations that enable researchers to access specialized technologies, resources, and expertise beyond their own institutions, independent of prior collaborations or location. In this session, four research infrastructures—EU-OPENSCREEN (chemical biology), Instruct-ERIC (structural biology), Euro-BioImaging (biological and biomedical imaging), and INFRAFRONTIER (human disease modeling)—will demonstrate how scientists can collaborate with them to advance research. Each infrastructure presentation will be paired with a talk from a researcher who has worked with it, showcasing firsthand experiences and the impact of these resources on their projects.
16:00h - 16:00h
Special Sessions
Hall 1
09:00 – 11:00h
FEBS Press Session
How to prepare a perfect graphical abstract
Matteo Oliverio (Italy)
10:00h - 11:00h
Special Sessions
Hall 1
16:00 – 18:00h
FEBS & IUBMB Joint Education Session - From challenges to opportunities: Integrating AI in biosciences education
Chairs: Ferhan Sagin (TR) Loredano Pollegioni (IT)
Facilitators: Manuel João Costa and Robert Harris
This dynamic and interactive workshop explores how the challenges of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into education can be transformed into opportunities for innovation and improvement. Bringing together a diverse group of experts—including practitioners, researchers, and policy advisors—the session fosters a collaborative environment where participants can share their experiences, discuss difficulties, and highlight best practices.
The 2-hour session will begin with an introduction, and then will engage participants in sharing best practice and and addressing key questions about AI in education. These structured discussions will allow participants to engage deeply with practical and strategic aspects of AI implementation. An expert panel discussion, where experts will share insights and respond to participants' perspectives, ensures a well-rounded exploration of the topic.
Join us to contribute your voice and gain valuable ideas to navigate the evolving role of AI in education!
16:00h - 16:00h
Leveraging artificial intelligence in biomedical and biological data analysis: Challenges and opportunities
Żaneta Świderska-Chadaj (Poland)
09:25h - 09:50h
Hydrocolloid-based bioplastics as biocompatible and sustainable composite materials
Loredana Mariniello (Italy)
09:50h - 10:15h
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor induces changes in the 3D genome organization of lung cancer cells leading to expression of tumor suppressor genes.
Guillermo Barreto (France)
16:00h - 16:25h
Special Sessions
Hall 1
16:00 – 18:00h
FEBS & IUBMB Joint Education Session - From challenges to opportunities: Integrating AI in biosciences education
Chairs: Ferhan Sagin (TR) Loredano Pollegioni (IT)
Sana Ahmed (Canada)
16:00h - 16:00h